Fr. Edwin D'Souza SDB


Shrine of Don Bosco's MadonnaDon Bosco, Matunga,Mumbai 400 019 - INDIAE-mail : dbmshrine@gmail.comTel : (91-22) 2 4146320

Dear Friends and Benefactors of Don Bosco’s Mission,

Thank you very much for your support towards our Mission Work. It is a demonstration of your love and concern for the poor. Your generosity encourages us to continue our work for the welfare and education of youth, school drop outs, and street children and also to help needy families and the sick.

 All our works and institutions today had very humble beginnings. It was the hard and tireless work of our great pioneers that established the mission of Don Bosco here in India. In a very special way, we remember our dear Fr. Aurelius Maschio who was the pioneer of the Don Bosco Mission in Western India. This month we commemorate his 28th death anniversary. With your support, the mission of Don Bosco that he planted in this region carries on.  

 In this region of Western India, which is under our care, we have hundreds of youngsters in our 31 institutions specially meant to educate the poor. Some of them can barely afford to pay their way, the vast majority have to be supported totally or partially. These children are ‘God’s gifts to us.’ You and I have the opportunity to give them a better chance in life. With your help we are working together to brighten their future. We look forward to your constant support to carry on our works for the poor and the marginalized. 

 May our blessed Mother, who’s Nativity we commemorate this month, bless you and your dear ones for your generosity towards the poor. Be assured that you and your family are remembered daily in our prayers and Holy Masses at the Shrine. May the good Lord and our Blessed Mother bless each of you.  

I remain, 

Yours sincerely and gratefully,

Fr. Edwin D'Souza SDB